Tree & Sun

Welcome to Tree & Sun, a guided meditation practice and energization technique to connect you back to the earth and the eternal self.

Tree and Sun bridges the world of matter and a spiritual reality. It creates a circular flow of energy, offering life-altering access to physical rejuvenation.

There’s magic embedded in this recording, energy and the whispers of trees. Sun, beating down. Earth, meeting sky. This visualization and meditation practice is a session experience, with energy work and transmissions in the recording.

Your energy levels are low. Life feels demanding. Maybe you’ve been suffering from illness – small, persistent or big, life-threatening.

This inhibits your ability to fully engage with life, places you squarely into a victim position, teaches you that the sacred universe is not an inherently abundant place and that your beautiful body is limited. 

It is not. You are natural. You are of the sun and sky, trees and earth.

I believe in a sacred universe built on abundance. In constant flows of energy. In powerful, transformative shifts of mood and frequencies. In innate healing power. 

A person who does not see themselves as part of the ‘whole’ -  inevitably will lose energy and move into ‘separation’ - that is, out of sync with the natural life-energy that moves through them. 

You are part of the forest. One with the sun. 

With a felt awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, there is a greater chance for healing to occur. 

Tree & Sun creates a circular energy, with you both giving and receiving, so there is no cost or loss, only enriching, generating, and improvement throughout a whole, integrated system. 

You will be establishing a practice which takes you beyond the conceptual limits of yourself into who you truly are.

Listen well.


Confidence Audio Program


Purple Ancestral Clearing Meditation