Purple Ancestral Clearing Meditation

Welcome to Purple, a guided meditation practice to help heal and clear ancestral burdens and release past stories.

Purple works with the color of purple, in all its hues.

There is energy embedded in this recording, designed to release you from the burden of past times, helping you feel lighter and more free moving into the future. This visualization and meditation practice is a session experience, with energy work and transmissions in the recording.

Purple is not just a color; it's a symbol of creativity, intuition, and wisdom. By immersing yourself in the energy of purple, you open the door to a world of ancestral healing and a clearer vision of your future.

In this sacred space, you'll discover how the radiant hues of purple can help you heal deep-seated ancestral wounds, release burdens that have held you back, and ultimately, define your path towards a more fulfilling life. As you breathe in the hues of violet and indigo, envision a brighter and lighter you emerging from the shadows of the past.

So, why should you listen to "Purple"? Because within this meditation lies the opportunity to connect with your ancestral roots, find forgiveness, and step into a future where you are free to be your most authentic self. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation as we harness the power of purple to illuminate your path forward.


Tree & Sun Meditation


Guru: The Teacher Within