1 on 1 mentoring

You know how to work hard. You spend your days helping hearts and minds, shaping lives, building a better world. 

You’re great at what you do. And maybe you’re feeling a little tired, a little dimmed. Greyed out.

Perhaps you’re hungry for a kind of exponential spiritual growth that will call out the deepest, most powerful parts of who you are – but maybe you’re not sure how to uncover it and let go of fear so that you can amplify your Light out into every corner of your life.

There is a way to bring your heart-centered work into weightless, courageous alignment with your purpose and highest aspirations. With my unique blend of private mentoring and spiritual growth, we can get there together.

If you follow me and my work, you know I take a very unique approach to spiritual transformation and practices for your life and work, discovering the harmony between the two – a potent combo of spirit and practicality.

In all my work, we dive deep – into your past, into the inner blocks that are holding you back, into the unique path to your own spiritual and entrepreneurial freedom.

What’s included

A laser-focused bi-weekly one-on-one session

An extra emergency session if needed

A recording of sessions

Specific business pathways created and/or shared.

A crystal-clear action plan each session

Accurate intuitive guidance for you and your business

Discounts and early bird VIP access to retreats, events & training

Practical, how-to-guidance to help you leap past learning curves

Let’s get started.

Right now, I’m going to invite you to the first stage of our journey together. 

Below, you'll find a link to book a free strategy session with me. 

There is no financial obligation for this strategy session; I simply ask that you come to it willing and open.

I take on an extremely limited number of private clients, so this first meeting is a chance for us to see if we are a good fit to work together. 

In that session, I’ll give you a clear strategy and direct action steps that you can implement immediately.

We’ll have fun regardless of whether we decide to work together.  If you’re feeling called to connect, there’s a reason for that. I can’t wait to speak with you!

Visit here to begin.


Catalyst Retreat